Thursday, August 10, 2006
The City Gardener #10
My latest pickings from the bucket garden include the above pictured fresh fare. Crisp lettuce mixtures held up nicely with my new favorite dressing: basil vinaigrette (also complements of the garden and go fabulous with some fast cooked squid). The lettuce, as well as the bright ball of a tomato, were a great finishing point to some beach-brought sandwiches, holding up well under the heat.
But another low point has hit the buckets.
After a quick sojourn to the Midwest (how could I miss an invitation to the Indiana State Fair?!), D and I have returned to find the buckets tampered with-- the chicken wire, added for protection, has been removed by an unknown force. I have yet to make contact with the neighbor to see if she can help with the investigation. Can anyone solve this quandary? (Luckily, the lettuce and tomato were picked before leaving as there is now little left of the bucket bounty.)
I must now seek out new chicken wire. Until then, the tomatoes will be picked over by the squirrels (and the aging) and the lettuce will be testaments to the sun. Thankfully, nobody finds my arugula or swiss chard particularly appealing.
The City Gardener #9
The City Gardener #8
The City Gardener #7
The City Gardener #6
The City Gardener #5
The City Gardener #4
The City Gardener #3
The City Gardener #2
The City Gardener